Students Council Association at Tidewater Chinese School has successfully completed the new officer election on June 2nd. We would like to congratulate the newly elected officers, and wish them the best luck. We also ask everyone at the school to continue support SCA officers and their events. Many thanks!
Below is the list of new officers and their assignments:
- President: George Lee;
- Vice President: Andrew Zhang;
- Secretary: Zilin Zheng;
- Treasurer: Jennifer Lee;
- Historian: Kai Wang;
- Publicist: Michael Tu;
- Cashier: Wendy Zheng;
- Class Representatives: Grace Hu; and Joanna He.
– Message from the current SCA president (Charles Wang), the new president (George Lee), advisers (Ruth Hu, Cindy Guo, and Bonnie Xie), and TCS Principal (Pengfei Song)
中文学校学生会换届改选工作于六月二日圆满结束。祝贺这次新当 选的9位学生会成员。他们的姓名与职责如下:主席: 郦俊捷; 副主席: 张浩天; 秘书: 郑子琳; 财务: 郦敏婕; 档案: 王凯; 宣传员: 涂诗扬; 出纳: 郑裕楠; 班级代表: 胡瑞丝, 何颖珊. 新一届学生会成员深知肩负重任,一定会努力工作,同时请大家给 予一如既往的支持与鼓励。谢谢!
-现任学生会主席:王雨纯 ; 新当选学生会主席:郦俊捷 ; 指导老师: 胡瑞珍, 郭欣, 谢波; 中文学校校长:宋鹏飞