Subject: Teacher Code of Conduct
TCS – Tidewater Chinese School
TCS Board of Directors
Passed on September 6, 2015
TCS is a non-political and non-profit organization, dedicating to promote Chinese language and culture education. We recognize that teachers play a critical role and carry the very important mission. The teacher code of conduct is designed to improve teaching quality, advocate Chinese culture, and maintain a secure and clean learning environment. All teachers are required to abide by the code.
1. Teachers must follow teaching arrangement from school administration, follow TCS’s bylaws, regulations, and rules and follow the applicable regulations and rules for the public schools of the City of Norfolk, Virginia.
2. Teachers should play a role model for students, love education, treat students, fellow teachers, parents and school administrators with respect.
3. Teachers should enhance Chinese language and culture learning in class by using pedagogies that engage students in the classrooms, and by having high expectations for students.
4. Teachers should prepare to teach in advance, communicate with parents regularly about class progress, student performances or any issues of students in class. Teachers should communicate timely with parents and school administration when have questions and or issues regarding students’ behavior and performance.
5. Teachers should have syllabus ready for each semester at the beginning of the semester.
6. Teachers should attend all school organized meetings unless an absence is unavoidable.
7. Teachers should arrive at class and dismiss class on time. If a substitute is needed, teacher must notify the Board at least one week in advance.
8. Teachers are responsible for managing students’ behavior and maintaining classroom order and condition. Teachers should utilize room-parents as a resource and work with school administration team to ensure a positively safe learning environment for students.
9. Teachers should actively participate in school-organized events such as Children’s Festival, rehearsal programs, student art work displays, etc.
10. Each appointment term for teachers is one-school year. School administration will appoint teachers based on teaching needs. To quit teaching during the semester, teachers must submit a written request at least one month in advance.