泰华德中文学校 Tidewater Chinese School
P. O. Box 65558, Virginia Beach, VA 23467-5558
1.全体会员大会(六月九日【星期六】下午2点-2点半:BAL1012 大礼堂)
2. 毕业典礼 (六月九日【星期六】下午2点-2点半:BAL1012 大礼堂)
中文学校将在毕业典礼上颁发一系列奖项,以表彰我们的学生们在过去一年所取得的成绩和教师们的辛勤耕耘。同时,为了感谢义工们在过去一年对学校做出的贡献,我们将当场抽出 “年度幸运义工”多名,给予礼券鼓励。最后我们将向马上要进入高等学府的学生们颁发纪念证书,希望他们能将中文学习继续下去,同时也祝愿他们前程似锦!
3. 超级脱口秀(六月九日【星期六】下午 2点半-4点:BAL1012 大礼堂)
4. 秋季注册和秋季学期开学
六月十日是本学期现场注册的最后一天,请各位家长抓紧注册。六月九日以后请将注册表寄往(P.O. Box 65558, Virginia Beach, VA 23467)。 8月1日前收到的都可享受$20的折扣。8月1日后我们仍旧接受正常注册,请广为告知。注册表及校历可在http://www.tidewater-chineseschool.org/?page_id=48 下载。8月25日(星期六)下午1:30,我们秋季学期正式开始!
回顾2017-2018年,大家齐心协力,我们中文学校一帆风顺, 学生们中文水平有了长足的进歩。我们再次感谢老师, 学生和家长的共同努力,使中文学校越办越好。最后,祝各位老师,家长,学生暑期愉快,新学年再见!
泰华德中文学校理事会 敬启
Dear Teachers, Parents, and Students:
We will soon celebrate the end of the school year and we really appreciate all the efforts you have made to improve the Chinese learning environment for our students! At the end of the semester, we still have a few wrap-up activities for you to participate:
1. General Membership Meeting (June 9, Saturday 2-2:30 p.m. at BAL 1012, the auditorium)
Based on our bylaws, there is an annual general membership meeting on the last day of the school. This meeting is extremely important since we will elect five new boards of directors. The Board will report the duty to the general membership about the progress made in the last year and publish the annual financial report. Teachers, parents (note: both parents of the students are counted as separate membership), and adult students are members of the school. The bylaws require the quorum so we encourage all parents to try their best to attend the meeting and arrive earlier to pick up the votes. Thank you for all your trust and support of the BOD!
2. Graduation Ceremony (June 9, Saturday 2-2:30 p.m. at BAL 1012, the auditorium)
We will present a variety of awards to recognize our students’ academic achievement, as well as our teacher’s hard work in the school year.
To appreciate the volunteers’ contributions to our school, we will draw a few “lucky volunteers of the year” and award them with gift cards!
Finally, we will present the certificates to our students who will start their college lives. We hope them to continue their Chinese learning and wish them the best for their future!
3. Super Talkshow (June 9, Saturday 2:30-4:00 p.m. at BAL 1012, the auditorium)
It’s the first time TCS combines the Graduation Ceremony, Member Conference and Super Talkshow. The Super Talkshow is a TCS traditional event, which is always filled with excitement, encouragement and fun. Hope this event will serve as a warm start for all students, teachers and parent as a warm start of the summer vacation.
Awards – Both lower class group and upper class group will be one first prize, one second prize and one third prize as the following:
One 1st Prize: Class Activity Fund ($30)
Two 2nd Prize: Class Activity Fund ($20)
Three 3rd Prize: Class Activity Fund ($10)
Remaining participate classes will all get participation awards with $5 class activity fund.
4. Registration and Opening Ceremony for the Fall Semester
June 9th will be the last day for the on-site registration for the coming fall semester. After June 9th, you can still mail your registration with payment to:
P.O. Box 65558, Virginia Beach, VA 23467.
Any registration form postmarked before or on August 1 will receive $20 discount. After August 1, we will still accept normal registration. Registration form and school calendar can be downloaded from
On August 25 at 1:30, we will have the opening ceremony for our fall semester!
The school has made steady progress in the school year of 2017-2018. We really appreciate all your support. Have a great summer!
Tidewater Chinese School Board of Directors