Parents, students and teachers,
ODU will have a school-wide activity in BAL building in the morning of the upcoming Saturday, and the activity may last after 1:00 PM, when TCS cultural classes begin. Please use the gate facing Hampton Blvd, and stay calm before and after entering the building. Thank you for your cooperation.
In addition, TCS board has decided that the Super Talkshow is rescheduled on May 14. There are only three weeks that TCS meet for classes due to variety of reasons, teachers need to prepare for this event promptly.
The following are schedules for TCS before the end of the semester. In case of change in schedule, notification will be issued on time.
4/2: TCS meet for classes
4/9: TCS meet for classes
4/16: Hampton International Festival,no classes
4/23: TCS meet for classes,skate after school(details come later)
4/30: No classes,ODU final exam
5/7: No classes,Asian Festival
5/14: Super Talkshow
5/21:TCS meet for classes
5/28: No classes,TCS year-end BBQ party in Bayville Park(details come later),Memorial Day Holiday
6/4: TCS final exam
6/11: TCS parent conference and graduation ceremony
各位家长,同学, 老师:
本周六上午(4/2)ODU将在中文学校所在的BAL大楼里举办宣传活动,可能会持续到下午一点中文学校开始的时间。请各位家长和学生在进入大楼时使用朝向Hampton Blvd的大门,进入大楼前后请保持安静。谢谢大家的合作。
4/2: 正常上课
4/9: 正常上课
4/16: Hampton International Festival,全校停课
4/23: 正常上课,课后溜冰(细节另行通知)
4/30: 全校停课,ODU期末考试
5/7: 全校停课,亚洲节
5/14: 超级脱口秀
5/28: 全校停课,TCS 年终烧烤聚餐(细节另行通知),Memorial Day Holiday
6/4: TCS期末考试
6/11: TCS家长大会和毕业典礼