TCS Fall 2016 Start this Saturday (Aug., 27)

各位同学, 家长, 老师:


1. 注册时间1点-4点。请需要注册的家长备好支票。请有条件的家长打印填好,以节省排队注册的时间。下载秋季注册表
2. 本周没有文化课程。
3. 开学典礼1:30-2:00 PM。请各位直接到一楼多媒体教室就座。特别提醒大家注意保持卫生,不要乱丢食品包装袋和其他物品。
4. 语言课程2点开始。上课的教室在2楼和3楼。老师的名字和年级的名称将会贴在教室门上。
5. 每位同学将在所在年级教室里从老师那领取课本。因为教材是根据报名人数订购的,请老师们在发放课本的时候,确认学生的注册状态并做好发放记录。
6. 请大家把车停在43街的立体停车场里。周末在ODU停车不收费。但请大家不要停在24小时保留车位上。

• 查看更多关于中文学校的信息,请访问: TCS 主页
• 2016秋季课程表:2016秋季课程表



Dear students, parent, and teachers,

The new school year will begin on this Saturday (Aug 27). Please check the following important information about the first day of class!

1. Registration is open from 1pm to 4pm. Please print and fill it first to save the time for registration. Don’t forget to bring check with you. Download registration form: Download TCS 2016 Fall Semester Registration Form
2. No culture class in school opening day.
3. 2016-2017 academic year opening ceremony will be held from 1:30 to 2:00 PM in the amphitheater at the first floor of the BAL building. Please maintain cleanness.
4. Language classes will begin at 2:00 PM. Classroom are located at 2nd and 3rd floor. Please check the names of teachers and grades on the doors of classrooms.
5. Textbook will be distributed by the teachers in classroom. Teachers, please double check students’ registration status, and take records.
6. There are limited number of parking lots near the BAL building. Please use the parking garages on 43rd streets. No charge for parking on weekends at ODU campus.

• For more information, visit: TCS
• 2016 Fall semester academic calendar:2016 Fall Calendar

Finally, thanks to all students and parents for being part of the TCS family. Look forward to seeing you all on the opening ceremony.

Wish everyone another great school year!

TCS Board